The Truth About Tithing: What Every Christian Should Know

Ever felt like tithing is an ancient relic, a dusty old rule tucked away in the pages of Scripture? Think again. Imagine your hard-earned cash as seeds; when you tithe, you're planting them in faith's fertile ground, expecting growth and abundance beyond just dollars and cents. However, there's more to this than initially appears.

We've all heard whispers about it – maybe even shouted from pulpits: Give ten percent and get back tenfold! Sounds simple enough, right? But hold on tight because we're diving deep into the heart of tithing. From its biblical roots sprouting up through history to blessings that can't be boxed into bank accounts—there’s a richness here waiting for discovery.

And before we reach the end of our journey together today... Well, let's just say I’ve got a twist or two that might turn everything you thought you knew about tithing on its head.

The Biblical Foundation of Tithing

Tithing is a practice that dates back to the foundations of Judeo-Christian values. It shows up in scripture, both Old and New Testaments, like a thread weaving through the fabric of faith history. Now let me tell you, tithing is not your grandma’s charity bingo—it’s about laying down a slice of your pie because you trust there's more where that came from.

Tithing in the Old Testament

In the Old Testament, tithing was less 'give if you feel like it' and more 'this is non-negotiable.' Think of it as God’s subscription service for His chosen people—Israelites had to chip in their 10%. They were investing in their nation and showing commitment all at once. It was serious business bringing those first fruits, knowing they were backing heaven itself.

Tithing as an Everlasting Covenant

Think of tithing like a timeless handshake between you and the Big Guy upstairs. It's not just an ancient practice but a living, breathing commitment that continues to bind believers to God. Just like marriage vows renew with each act of love, every time you drop that ten percent in the offering plate, it’s like saying "I do" all over again.

This isn't some dusty rule from bygone days; it's about honoring an agreement that's as fresh today as when Abraham first set aside his best for God back in Genesis 14:20. And this covenant doesn’t come with an expiration date—it's built to last longer than your grandma’s fruitcake.

Buckle up because this is where faith gets practical. When we tithe faithfully, we're taking our spirituality out of Sunday mornings and letting it ride shotgun throughout our everyday lives.

The Spiritual Significance of Tithing

Trust as an Act of Worship

Tithing isn't just about money; it's a shout-out to the heavens saying, "I trust You've got my back." When you tithe, you're not just tossing a coin in the offering plate; you're laying down your love for cash at God’s feet. It shows that your heart is with Him more than your wallet.

Obedience Through Generosity

But tithing goes beyond trust. It's like signing up for God’s team and playing by His rules—generosity is key here. Living out what He preaches means giving generously because, let's face it, hoarding treasure on earth where moths and rust do some serious damage? Not exactly a divine strategy.

So yeah, when we talk tithes, we're talking full-on spiritual GPS: Trust in God + Obedience = Finding our way into His good books.

The Consequences of Withholding Tithes

Think about it: when you hold back your tithes, it's like telling God His own gifts aren't worth giving back. That's a pretty bold statement, right? It can feel like walking away from an open-armed invitation. But this isn't just about manners; it’s deeper than that.

In the scriptures, not tithing is likened to robbing God—harsh words for sure (Malachi 3:8-10). This doesn’t mean lightning will strike your bank account, but spiritually speaking, you're closing the door on trust and obedience.

And let's be real—it stings to think we might be turning our backs on Him with our wallets still full. After all, everything we have is already His.

Blessings Tied to Tithing

Material Blessings and Divine Favor

Tithing isn't a heavenly investment scheme, but it sure opens the door for some serious blessings. It's like unlocking a level in a game where you're rewarded not just with spiritual kudos but sometimes even material perks. Now, don't get me wrong; it's not about dropping cash to get rich quick. But there's something about giving that ten percent that can lead to unexpected bonuses—call it divine favor if you will.

Protection from Curses

You might think of tithing as an ancient antivirus program for your soul. By sticking true to this biblical principle, many believe they're safeguarded against all sorts of spiritual malware. Some folks say it’s like having an umbrella up during life’s downpours—it doesn’t stop the rain, but you’re certainly drier than those without one.

Honoring God with Our Resources

When we tithe, it's like giving a shout-out to the Big Guy upstairs for all He provides. We're not just dropping cash in a plate; we're acknowledging that everything from our paychecks to our penny jars is His turf.

This isn't about writing checks out of obligation but tipping our hats to divine ownership. Think of tithing as life's ultimate loyalty program—where investing in what matters most secures eternal dividends.

It’s clear-cut: honoring God with our resources means recognizing Him as the CEO of Cosmos Inc., and our tithes are a key part of that acknowledgment.

Debunking Prosperity Theology Myths about Tithing

Talk of tithing often brings prosperity theology into the mix, like a fly in your Sunday morning coffee—unwanted and buzz-killing. Let's set it straight: tithing isn't some spiritual lottery ticket. It's not about throwing cash up to heaven only to catch blessings when they rain down.

The truth is, while generosity can indeed lead to abundance, it’s more about having more love, joy, peace—and yes, sometimes even financial resources—to share with others. This goes against the grain of what prosperity preachers might claim: that if you give big now, you'll get bigger later.

Biblical giving is clear—it’s not an investment scheme but an act of worship and trust in God's provision (check out scriptural references on tithing). So let's flip this script and see tithes for what they are—a way to be generous without expecting anything in return.

Overflowing Blessings from Faithful Stewardship

Often, we're told that tithing is advantageous; however, let's delve into what this really implies. It's not just about tossing 10% into the offering basket and waiting for the heavens to rain down gold coins. No, it’s more like planting seeds in fertile soil—tithing cultivates an environment where blessings can flourish.

Now, I've seen folks get tripped up on the idea of material rewards when it comes to tithes. Sure, being financially stable is great—but think bigger. When you tithe faithfully, you're aligning your treasure with your heart and values (Matthew 6:21). And here’s a twist: these acts of stewardship do more than just support church functions; they strengthen community bonds and foster personal spiritual growth.

This isn’t prosperity gospel talk—it’s about recognizing how our resources can honour God beyond Sunday services. By giving consistently, we acknowledge His provision in our lives while investing in work that echoes through eternity.


So, we've dug deep into the truth about tithing. We've seen its roots in both the Old and New Testaments, revealing it's not just an old tradition but a living practice.

We learned that tithing is more than an act; it's a covenant. It reflects our trust and honors God with what we have. And although some say you tithe to get rich, that misses the mark.

The real wealth comes from obedience and generosity. Tithing opens doors—not always leading to material gain but to spiritual growth and community strength.

To wrap things up: remember this isn't about legalism or lottery tickets—it’s about heart posture before heaven’s throne. When you give faithfully, expect not only blessings but also deeper faith—because that's the true bounty of tithing.
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1 Comment

Elesheva - July 15th, 2024 at 9:46am

Interestingly, the first tithe was a feast. The agricultural tithe was gathered and brought to a city of the Lord and eaten by the family of the tither. If the city was too far away, the tither sold the tithe for silver and bought whatever they wanted to feast on. Every third year, the tithe went to the storehouse. Jesus chided the Pharisees for their dogmatism bout tithing but ignoring right character. I don't think 10% is really the goal. Jesus said if you have two coats and someone needs one, give them one. That's 50%. The woman at the temple gave two pennies. That's 100%. I'm still unconvinced that tithing 10% to a modern incorporated denominational church serves God's intended purpose. Just sayin'



